Welt: EU ambassadors agreed on a draft security agreement with Ukraine, it is being discussed with Kyiv

Kostia Andreikovets

The ambassadors of the European Union agreed on the draft security agreement with Ukraine. It is currently being discussed and coordinated with Kyiv. According to the plan, the agreement should be finalized at the beginning of July.

This is written by the publication Welt, which received the document at its disposal.

The agreement concerns political, military and economic assistance to Ukraine until it becomes a member of the European Union and NATO. According to it, the EU must guarantee long-term material military aid, humanitarian, financial and trade aid, as well as providing asylum to refugees. The EU will also undertake to support and assist with reforms, participate in reconstruction and support Ukraine at the diplomatic level.

In the event of further attacks on Ukraine, EU members will hold immediate consultations on Ukraineʼs needs within 24 hours, although this clause is in all separate bilateral security agreements that Ukraine has signed with allies.

The project on 11 pages marked "confidential" was approved by the ambassadors of 27 member countries.