The Verkhovna Rada did not support the dismissal of Iryna Vereshchuk from the post of the Deputy PM — the Minister for Reintegration of TOT

Oleksandra Amru

The Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) failed to vote on the dismissal of Iryna Vereshchuk from the post of the Deputy Prime Minister — the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories (TOT) of Ukraine. 214 MPs were pro.

The MP from the "Voice" faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak informed about this.

What is known about Vereshchuk

Vereshchuk will hold the post of the Deputy Prime Minister — the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine from November 4, 2021. Before that, Vereshchuk was a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the IX convocation since 2019. She was also a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence and the head of the State Security and Defense Subcommittee. From September to November 2019, she represented the government in the Verkhovna Rada. She filed her credentials after her statements that the then Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk planned to fire her for criticizing the state budget and the actions of the Cabinet of Ministers.

As of July 2020, it has submitted 31 draft laws, six of which have entered into force. She also submitted 30 amendments to draft laws, the largest of which was to the law on defense procurement.

In 2010, Vereshchuk was elected mayor of her native Rava-Ruska from the "Strong Ukraine" party (belonged to oligarch Serhii Tihipko, joined the “Party of Regions” two years later), while Vereshchuk was not a member of the party. She resigned after five years.

What preceded

Only on September 3, a number of representatives of the Ukrainian government resigned, including the Minister of Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshin, the Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets, the head of the State Property Fund Vitaliy Koval, the Deputy Prime Minister of of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha -Stefanishyna and the Vice-Prime Minister — the Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk. In addition, President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Rostyslav Shurma from the post of deputy head of the Presidentʼs Office.

The head of the "Servant of the People" faction Davyd Arakhamiya informed about "big reboots of the government" already this week.

"More than 50% of the staff of the Cabinet will undergo changes. Tomorrow is the day of layoffs, and the day after tomorrow is the day of appointments," he said.

According to Arakhamia, the final list will be determined at the meeting of the faction on September 4.

Later, on September 3, Babel sources in the leadership of the "Servant of the People" party told what changes may take place in the government in the near future.