Three ministers and the head of the State Property Fund submitted their resignations

Oleksandra Amru

The Verkhovna Rada (the Ukranian Parliament) received applications for resignation from:

  • the Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Oleksandr Kamyshin;
  • the Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska;
  • the Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Strilets;
  • the head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Vitaliy Koval.

This was reported by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk.

Руслан Стефанчук / Facebook

All applications will be considered at one of the nearest plenary meetings.

Oleksandr Kamyshin confirmed the information about the resignation.

"I wrote an application for dismissal from the post of minister. I am preparing for a closed report before the economy and defense committees, as well as for an open report in the Verkhovna Rada. I will continue to work in the defense industry, but in a different role," Kamyshin said.

What is known about officials

Oleksandr Kamyshin


Oleksandr Kamyshin is the head of the Ministry of Strategy and Industry from 2023. From April 10, 2023 — a member of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Before that, he was the chairman of the board of “Ukrzaliznytsia” from 2022. In the past, he was a manager at Dragon Capital and SCM, founder of Latifundist Media, Grano Group, AgTech Farm and Fortior Capital.

Denys Malyuska

Denys Malyuska is a Ukrainian lawyer, businessman, chairman of the board of BRDO/World Bank Group, the MP of Ukraine of the IX convocation from the "Servant of the People" party. The Minister of Justice of Ukraine since August 29, 2019. The member of the National Investment Council since December 2019.

Ruslan Strilets

He holds the position of Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine from April 14, 2022. Before that, he temporarily performed the duties of the minister from November 2021.

In 2007-2012, he worked in the Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration, and after that he started working in government positions in the field of environmental protection.

He studied at the Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar, majoring in "International Economics", and also studied law and the specialty "Ecology and Environmental Protection". He also studied at the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, majoring in Public Management and Administration.

Vitaliy Koval

On November 21, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Vitaliy Koval to the post of chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine. Before that, he was the head of the Rivne Regional State Administration since 2019. He was a candidate for mayor of Rivne from the "Servant of the People" party.

In the early 2000s, he worked for a short time in the banking sector. Then, until 2019, he headed enterprises in the agricultural, transport and construction industries. In addition, he is the first vice-president of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Greco-Roman Wrestling and a member of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine.