The “crowdsourced” satellite, purchased by the Prytula Foundation, helped cause billions of dollars in losses to Russia

Olha Bereziuk

For almost two years of using the "crowdsourced" satellite ICEYE, for which the Serhiy Prytula fund was collected, specialists of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (known as GUR) took 4 173 pictures of objects in the Russian Federation.

This is stated in the message of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, the satellite captured:

  • 370 airfields;
  • 238 positions of air defense and radio technical intelligence;
  • 153 oil depots and fuel warehouses;
  • 147 warehouses of missile, aviation weapons and ammunition;
  • 17 naval bases.

Also in the lens of ICEYE are the points of permanent deployment of Russian troops, their training grounds, military towns, mobilization deployment centers. This makes it possible to track the dynamics of troop movements in Russia and reveal its military intentions.

The "crowdsourced" satellite also allows monitoring the objects of Russiaʼs military-industrial complex and its logistics network, in particular the Crimean Bridge.

GUR emphasized that ICEYE helps to clearly see clusters of mechanized units of the Russian Federation with equipment, even carefully disguised in "greenery".

In addition, the satellite is able to accurately identify the type and type of detected combat aircraft, ships, air defense equipment, as well as record the level of damage to the affected objects.

About 38% of the entire mass of data obtained thanks to ICEYE was used to directly prepare for attacks — this is billions of dollars in losses for Russia.