15 US Air Force personnel were punished for leaking Pentagon documents

Liza Brovko

15 servicemen of the US Air Force were punished for leaking secret Pentagon documents related, in particular, to Russiaʼs war against Ukraine.

The press service of the US Air Force writes about it.

The report on the results of the investigation states that the sole mastermind behind the leak remains Massachusetts National Guard soldier Jack Teixeira, who was indicted on criminal charges back in June.

The review found that the rest of the military did not do what was necessary to prevent the leak. Among the indirect factors that led to the disclosure of classified information, the inspectors attributed the inability of commanders to monitor the matters entrusted to them, inconsistency in informing about security incidents, providing access to classified data to people who should not have it, etc.

The commander of the reconnaissance squadron in which Teixeira served Sean Riley was fired, and the commander of the reconnaissance group Enrique Dovalo received an administrative penalty. In general, the entire 102nd intelligence group was suspended from work.

Leaked Pentagon and Teixeira documents

At the beginning of April, it became known that Twitter and Telegram published classified military documents related to the counteroffensive of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the war against Russia, and then a second batch of secret documents of the American authorities appeared on the network. They are talking not only about Ukraine, but also about the activities of the USA in the Indo-Pacific region, in the Middle East, actions to fight terrorism and relations with China, about the UN, Hungary.

In a few days, the FBI arrested a suspect in the leak of classified Pentagon data — 21-year-old National Guardsman of the US Air Force Jack Teixeira. He was indicted on six counts. This is punishable by up to 60 years in prison.