The war. The first Ukrainian grain ship passed inspection, the UN will begin to establish the facts of the terrorist attack in Olenivka, the occupiers are transporting equipment near Kherson by a ferry. Day 162: live coverage

Anhelina Sheremet

The first ship with Ukrainian grain passed inspection in Istanbul and left for its destination — the port of Tripoli in Lebanon. Another 17 vessels are awaiting permission to leave. The United Nations will launch a "fact-finding mission" of the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the colony in the temporarily occupied Olenivka, Donetsk oblast. Currently, a technical task for the mission is being prepared, which requires the consent of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. In the meantime, the occupiers near Kherson began to transport military equipment by a separate ferry crossing — this is indicated by satellite images. Follow the main events of the 162nd day of the war in our live coverage (and here is what happened on August 3).

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