The deputy commander of a military unit forced soldiers to build him an estate in the Lviv region

Anhelina Sheremet

The deputy commander of one of the military units was exposed for systematic abuse in the Lviv region. In particular, the official instructed the soldiers to build an estate for him.

This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) on August 24.

Since mid-July of this year, instead of fulfilling their defense duties, soldiers have been working at the private facility of the deputy commander. He involved seven soldiers in the repair and construction of his two-story villa.

The official also set up an underground store run by his wife on the territory of the military town. In it, products were sold to the military, which the state officially allocated to provide for the military.

During the search of the home of the deputy commander, a large amount of money in various currencies was seized. He has already been arrested, he faces up to 12 years in prison.

There was a similar situation in Transcarpathian — there an employee of the district military committee forced soldiers to build his estate, he was also arrested. In Odesa, the deputy battalion commander of one of the military units ordered the military to build him a house near Odesa in August 2022. While men worked as construction workers, they were paid as soldiers.