Bild: Russia, Qatar and Turkey are preparing a new “grain agreement”

Anhelina Sheremet

Russia, Turkey and Qatar are preparing a new tripartite "grain agreement". This was reported by the German newspaper Bild, which received official correspondence between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies of Turkey and Russia from July 21 to August 8.

Turkey will act as an organizer, Qatar as a sponsor of supplies. Within the framework of the new agreement, it is proposed to supply "Russian grain" to poor countries, mainly in Africa.

It also follows from the letters that Moscow warned Ankara in advance about withdrawing from the "grain agreement".

The head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hakan Fidan, asks Russia to restore the former agreement to supply grain from Ukraine. Ankara also offers to act under the auspices of the UN. A new agreement can be concluded this weekend in Budapest.