NASA: This July was the hottest month on Earth since 1880

Liza Brovko

The NASA agency has confirmed UN forecasts that July will be the hottest month in the world in the entire history of observations. There hasnʼt been such a "hot" July since at least 1880.

This is stated in a NASA statement.

Scientists believe that Julys have become increasingly hot over the past five years, and next year, global temperatures are likely to break the record again.

NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies

July 2023 was 0.24 °C warmer than any other July in NASA records dating back to 1880.

Since the 1970s, researchers have observed an increase in human influence on the climate and its responsibility for global warming. They note that events such as El Niño, which lead to warming of the ocean surface, and volcanic activity have a "very, very small" effect on global warming compared to anthropogenic factors.