OC “South”: Russian shelling of a cargo ship in the Black Sea has not yet been confirmed

Liza Brovko

Natalya Humenyuk, the head of the press center of the Southern Security and Defense Forces, reported that the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the shelling and search of the cargo ship "Sukra Okan", which was heading to the port of "Izmail", has not been confirmed.

She said this in the telethon "Yedyny Novyny".

According to her, no official source other than the Russian Ministry of Defense has commented, so it could be an element of hybrid warfare.

"Today, we have only one thing — a demonstration of the aggression of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They are trying with all their might to mark their dominance in the Black Sea: they are supposed to be able to stop a ship, raise aviation, and they will get nothing for it. Like examine and let go," Humenyuk added.

At the same time, the head of the press center believes that the statements of the Russians may be a signal that the Russian Federation threatens civilian shipping in the Black Sea.