The death of journalist Viktoria Roschyna. The Prosecutor Generalʼs Office is investigating a war crime combined with intentional murder

Oleksandra Amru

Due to information about the death of Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roschyna in the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office opened a criminal investigation into her disappearance. Another qualification is a war crime combined with premeditated murder.

This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General.

On October 10, Russia informed about the death of Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roschyna. On August 3, 2023, she disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories, from where she was supposed to report. In May 2024, the Russian Federation confirmed for the first time that it was holding her captive.

Roschyna allegedly died during the stage from Taganrog to Moscow. What caused her death and when it happened were not reported. It is also unknown in what status and why Roschyna was transported.

In a comment to Babel, the GUR representative Andriy Yusov informed that Ukraine had an agreement to return Roschyna home. She was due back soon.

Due to the notification of the journalistʼs death, the criminal proceedings opened by the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office on the fact of her disappearance (part 1 of article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) were qualified as part of article 2. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is a violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder.

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