Nestor Shufrych will remain in custody for another two months

Liza Brovko

The MP Nestor Shufrych will remain in custody until May 11. The court extended his preventive measure in the case of high treason.

This was reported by Suspilne from the courtroom.

The prosecutor asked for Shufrych to be kept in custody without the alternative of bail.

According to the MP, he has been in custody for six months and believes that "there is an encroachment" on his constitutional rights from the point of view of freedom, and his "persecution is ordered."

Shufrychʼs case

In September 2023, Nestor Shufrych was suspected of treason. According to the investigation, he "closely cooperated" and carried out the tasks of the former secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Volodymyr Sivkovych, an FSB agent who coordinated the Russian agency in Ukraine. One of Shufrychʼs main tasks, according to the investigation, was subversive activity in the information sphere: he constantly spread the Kremlinʼs narratives that the Ukrainian state is an "artificial entity", that Ukraine and Russia have "one history" and that Ukrainians and Russians are " one nation". Thus, SBU claims, Shufrych tried to develop pro-Russian sentiment in Ukrainian society.

On September 15, the court sent Shufrych to custody without bail. At his home in the village of Kozyn in the Kyiv region, a number of medals, a collection of coats and a dozen Soviet awards were found. Babelʼs sources in SBU also reported that during searches they found a document with the scheme of autonomy for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It envisages the renaming of these regions into "regions", broad autonomy, holding elections, and the formation of separate "governments" and "parliament". Under the document, dated July 2014, are the signatures of Viktor Medvedchuk and Shufrych.