SBU confirmed that Nestor Shufrych is suspected of treason — he promoted narratives about “united nation”

Anhelina Sheremet

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) officially announced that the MP Nestor Shufrych is suspected of treason — he "closely cooperated" with and carried out the tasks of former National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) secretary Volodymyr Sivkovych, an FSB agent who coordinated the Russian agency in Ukraine.

He was informed of the suspicion on September 15.

One of Shufrychʼs main tasks was subversive activity in the information sphere. He constantly spread the Kremlinʼs narratives that the Ukrainian state is an "artificial entity," that Ukraine and Russia have "one history," and that Ukrainians and Russians are "one nation." In this way, Shufrych tried to develop pro-Russian sentiments in Ukrainian society.

  • On the morning of September 15, SBU searched Nestor Shufrych. During the search of his home in the village of Kozyn in the Kyiv region, a number of medals, a collection of coats and a dozen Soviet awards were found.