This year, Germany exported weapons worth €11.7 billion — 40% more than in 2022. Ukraine received a third

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Germany exported weapons and military equipment worth a record €11.7 billion in 2023 — thatʼs 40% more than in 2022. One third of exports — €4.1 billion — went to Ukraine.

“Taggeschau” writes about it.

The largest recipients of German military exports after Ukraine are Norway (€1.2 billion), Hungary (€1.03 billion), Great Britain (€654.9 million), the United States (€545.4 million) and Poland (€327, 9 million). Israel is in seventh place in terms of supplies — €323.2 million, which is 10 times more than in 2022 (€32 million).

Exports to South Korea also increased to €256.4 million. And the German government in 2023 allowed minor arms exports to Arab states — to the United Arab Emirates (€78.2 million), Egypt (€40.3 million), Qatar (€15.1 million) and Saudi Arabia (€13.3 million).

Of the total amount of exports, €6.15 billion is for the sale of weapons and ammunition, €5.57 billion for the sale of military equipment. About 90% of exports go to EU and NATO countries, Ukraine, Japan, Australia and South Korea. The data was analyzed from January 1 to December 12, 2023.

  • Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Germany has provided Ukraine with various types of weapons, including PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers, Marder BMPs, Gepard anti-aircraft guns, air defense systems, MLRS, and Leopard tanks. The Federal Republic of Germany also allocates money for Ukrenergo, transfers humanitarian aid and has pledged to double its aid to Ukraine next year to €8 billion.