The General Staff confirmed the destruction of two Russian planes in a day

Liza Brovko

Over the past day, Russia has lost a Su-34 fighter-bomber and a Su-30SM multi-role fighter. And another 760 occupants, 19 tanks, 33 artillery systems and other things.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces writes about this.

During the day, 66 combat clashes took place between the Defense Forces of Ukraine and the Russian army. The Ukrainian military retaliated in the Bakhmut, Avdiiv, Marin, Shakhtar, and Zaporizhia directions.

Also, the occupiers unsuccessfully stormed Ukrainian positions 23 times in the Kherson direction.

The Air Force clarified that the Su-34 was destroyed in the Donetsk region, and the Su-30SM was destroyed over the Black Sea.