The property of the regional military committee of the Rivne region, worth almost 52 million hryvnias, was handed over to the state

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The court handed over to the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) the property of the head of the Rivne Military Committee, who is suspected of illegal enrichment and beating of a soldier. The total value of the confiscated property is 51 million 700 thousand hryvnias.

In particular, the state was given:

  • a plot of land in the village of Polyanytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk region, with a residential building with an area of 280 square meters. m;
  • seven buildings with a total area of almost 500 square meters. m at the same ski resort;
  • a plot of land in the village of Lanchyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, with an area of about half a hectare, with a house of 316 square meters. m.
  • two trucks.