IAEA experts have not yet gained access to the roof of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. Recently, the satellite recorded unknown objects there

Anhelina Sheremet

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has not yet gained access to the roof of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP).

This was stated by the head of the agency Rafael Grossi during a conversation with journalists on July 7.

Now the agencyʼs employees are "making progress" in inspecting several sites of the ZNPP. They have already checked several facilities, including cooling pools, and have seen "no signs of explosives or mines in these areas."

It should be noted that on the morning of July 5, the Planet Labs satellite photographed the fourth power unit of the Zaporizhzhia NPP — unknown objects appeared on its roof.

  • On July 7, the head of intelligence Kyrylo Budanov said that the threat of a terrorist attack at the ZNPP is declining, but there is currently no question of the complete elimination of risks at the nuclear plant, as it is still controlled by the Russian occupiers.
  • On July 4, the Armed Forces officially informed about the possible preparation of a provocation in the near future on the territory of the ZNPP. Russia plans to accuse Ukraine of shelling the station. On the same day, Zelensky said that Russia had installed objects similar to explosives on the roofs of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.
  • Against this background, headquarters were deployed in Ukraine, which included energy workers, rescuers, police and medics.