All civilians will be evacuated from Avdiivka in the near future

Anna Kholodnova

The head of the joint center of the Defense Forces of the Tavriia region Serhiy Telyatyskyi informed that in the near future Ukraine will evacuate all civilians from Avdiivka, Donetsk region.

He said this on the air of the telethon. According to him, there is still a civilian population in the city, although it is very small.

"There are very few of them left there, and most likely the entire civilian population will be evacuated from Avdiivka in the near future," noted Telyatyskyi.

He also noted that all civilians were evacuated from Maryinka at the beginning of the year.

Only in the past day, the occupiers lost about two companies of their soldiers killed and wounded in the Tavriia direction. According to Telyatyskyi, the occupiers are resorting to so-called "meat assaults", going into battle without the fire support of heavy equipment.

  • On March 7, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the mechanism of forced evacuation of children from active combat zones, which will affect Bakhmut first. Mandatory evacuation of children will be accompanied by one of the parents, a person who replaces them, or another legal representative.
  • On March 23, it became known that all children were evacuated from the front-line areas of Vuhledar, Velyka Novosilka, and Chasiv Yar in Donetsk region. Evacuation continues.