Iran has protested to European ambassadors over accusations of transferring ballistic missiles to Russia

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran summoned the heads of diplomatic missions of Great Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands to Tehran to express their protest over allegations of the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia.

This is reported by the Iranian state agency IRNA.

Director General of the Department of Western European Affairs of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Majid Nili, strongly condemned the "destructive statements and actions" of Western countries. He stated that Tehran is in favor of a "peaceful solution" to the Russian-Ukrainian war, so the accusations of the transfer of ballistic missiles are "absolutely unfounded and false."

European diplomats will convey the protest to their countries.

Earlier, France, Germany and Britain threatened Iran with sanctions due to the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia. In particular, they promised to take immediate measures to cancel bilateral agreements on air services with Iran.

How Iran supplies Russia with weapons

Reports that Iran is transferring drones to Russia have been heard regularly since 2022. The media also wrote in 2023 that Iran provides the Russian Federation with shells and cartridges. Officially, Iran denies this. However, White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre confirmed that according to the US, Russia received combat drones from Iran, including Mohajer-6 and Shahed.

In June 2023, it became known that Iran was providing Russia with materials for the construction of a factory for the production of drones in the Republic of Tatarstan — then the White House published a report on this and a satellite image.

In August 2024, Reuters wrote that Iran was going to hand over hundreds of Fath-360 ballistic missiles to Russia. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed the information about the transfer of missiles on September 10.