The Czech Republic will send 50,000 ammunition to Ukraine in July and August, and from September Kyiv will receive up to 100,000 shells per month

Kostia Andreikovets

The President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel said that his country will send Ukraine 50,000 ammunition for artillery in July and August, and from September Kyiv will receive from 80,000 to 100,000 ammunition per month.

This is reported by ČTK.

Ammunition will come as part of the Czech initiative to purchase shells with donations from allies. At the end of June, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, stated that Ukraine had already received the first batch of ammunition (50,000) purchased within the framework of this initiative.

  • In February 2024, Petr Pavel announced that the Czech Republic had found 800,000 artillery shells ready for purchase outside the European Union. In the following month, the country, together with its allies, began to collect money for the purchase of these ammunitions for Ukraine. About 20 countries joined the initiative, including Germany, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark and others.
  • In March, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsky, said that Ukraine could potentially receive 1.5 million munitions instead of 800,000. In April, Petr Pavel said that Prague had found more than a million artillery shells in third countries, which can be purchased for the Armed Forces.