The head of the Ministry of Health: Military medical comissions in Kyiv extended the terms of the process and worked part-time

Kostia Andreikovets

Military medical commissions (MMCs) in Kyiv delayed the commissionʼs deadlines, worked part-time, and did not have electronic queues. This was one of the reasons for the start of inspections of MMC in the capital.

The Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko told about this on the air of the TV channel "1+1".

"In Kyiv, doctors were not taken out of the territorial recruit centers [to hospitals], and there was no electronic queue. In addition, we see that MMCs worked until 14:00, and then closed for some reason. This is a violation of the rules," he noted, adding that the inspection of the the Ministry of Health task force would focus on "organizational issues that can be resolved quickly." Each complaint will then be considered separately.

Lyashko clarified that according to the norms, during the MMC, an electronic medical record is opened for each patient in the electronic health care system, which must be closed within four days. In some clinics that performed MMC, such records remained open for 10 days or more.