The USA restricted trade with 42 Chinese companies that supplied microcircuits to the Russian Federation

Liza Brovko

The US Department of Commerce has added 42 Chinese companies to the governmentʼs export control list for supporting Russiaʼs military-industrial complex.

Reuters writes about it.

These Chinese companies and seven more companies from Finland, Germany, India, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Great Britain, in particular, supplied Russia with microcircuits of American origin.

The microcircuits contain electronics that the Russian Federation uses for precision guidance systems in missiles and drones, the Ministry of Trade added.

Companies are added to the US export control list if Washington deems them a threat to US national security or foreign policy. At the same time, before sending goods to companies on the list, suppliers need to provide licenses, which are usually difficult to obtain.

  • In September, the United States imposed sanctions on Chinese and Russian companies for supplying components for drones to the Russian Federation. Before that, the United States introduced new sanctions against Iran and Russia. Seven people and four legal entities from Iran, China, Russia, and Turkey involved in the development of Iranian drones and military aircraft fell under the restrictions.
  • Russia can still supply numerous sanctioned goods through third countries. The import of semiconductors, integrated circuits and other technologies from Kazakhstan, the UAE, Turkey, and China to Russia has recently increased sharply.