Ukrainian special forces landed again on the territory of Crimea — video

Anhelina Sheremet

Ukrainian special forces "Stugna" and "Bratstvo" as part of the special unit "Tymur" landed on the territory of the Crimean peninsula.

This was reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on October 4.

In addition, the Ukrainian military attacked the occupiers.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence (MDI) published a video from which it can be understood that special forces landed at least seven boats at night. The video ends with footage of fighters holding a Ukrainian flag and saying: "Crimea will be Ukrainian or uninhabited."

  • On August 24, 2023, Ukrainian fighters landed in Crimea in the area of Olenivka and Mayak settlements. There they engaged in a battle with the units of the occupier — the Russians have losses in both personnel and equipment. Also, the Ukrainian flag flew again in Crimea — for the first time since April 2014.
  • On September 11, Ukrainian intelligence reported that it had returned to its control the "Boiko rigs" — these are gas and oil drilling platforms near Crimea in the Black Sea. The towers were occupied by Russia in 2015, and after a full-scale invasion, they were used for military purposes, for example, as helipads. It also placed radar stations there. During the operation, the special forces seized the trophies: a stock of helicopter ammunition and the "Neva" radar station, which can track the movement of ships in the Black Sea.