Border guards found the 24th body of a Ukrainian at the border with the EU

Liza Brovko

On the territory of Romania, not far from the border with Ukraine, a tourist found a human body. The border guards established that it was a man from Zaporizhzhia.

The State Border Service (SBS) writes about it.

The skeletal body of a man born in 1988 was discovered in the hard-to-reach mountains opposite the site of the Shibene border service department of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

The deceased was wearing a jacket, which indicates that he had been there for a long time.

This is the 24th recorded case since the beginning of the full-scale war, when a Ukrainian of draft age died on the border of Ukraine with the countries of the European Union. Previous bodies were found on the border with Romania and Hungary in Transcarpathia, 19 of them near the Tisza River.