General Staff of the Armed Forces: Ukrainian military repelled Russian attacks and destroyed eight enemy tanks over the past day

Liza Brovko

33 combat clashes took place between the Defense Forces of Ukraine and the Russian army over the past day. The Ukrainian military eliminated 530 invaders and destroyed eight Russian tanks.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces writes about this.

In the Kupyansk direction, the Russians unsuccessfully advanced in the areas southeast of Andriivka (Luhansk region). And in the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy tried to restore the lost position in the districts of Andriivka and Klishchiivka (Donetsk region).

The Defense Forces continue to encourage the Russian offensive on Avdiivka and Maryinka (Donetsk region). In the Shakhtarsk direction, the Ukrainian military prevented the enemy from regaining the lost position in the area west of Staromayorske.

Also, the Russians wanted to restore positions east of Robotiny in the Zaporizhzhia region. The Ukrainian army continues to conduct an offensive operation in the Melitopol and Berdyansk areas.

During the day, the Ukrainian Air Force carried out 12 strikes on areas where the enemyʼs personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated, and six strikes on anti-aircraft missile systems. Units of missile forces and artillery hit two artillery pieces in firing positions, an anti-aircraft missile complex, a WED station and a means of air defense of the Russians.