The European Court lifted the sanctions against ex-prosecutor Viktor Pshonka and his son Artem

Liza Brovko

The General Court of the European Union lifted the sanctions against ex-prosecutor Viktor Pshonka and his son Artem. Pshonka managed to win the court case.

Bloomberg writes about it.

The courtʼs decision states that the Council of the European Union made erroneous assessments in justifying the sanctions. At the same time, the court doubts that the Ukrainian judicial administration respected the right to protect the former prosecutor general in local criminal proceedings.

Pshonka and his son first came under EU sanctions in 2014 as individuals subject to criminal prosecution in Ukraine for embezzlement of state funds and their illegal transfer abroad. During Yanukovychʼs time, Viktor Pshonka was the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, and after 2014 he and his son fled to Russia.