Opendatabot: Only 1.3% of desertion cases reached court this year

Olha Bereziuk

In the first 10 months of this year, 19 922 criminal proceedings were opened for desertion — 3.7 times more than in the same period last year.

This was reported by the digital government data analysis service Opendatabot.

At the same time, only 3% of desertion cases this year were served with suspicion, and in 1.3% of cases the case reached court.

This year, 41 950 criminal proceedings have been opened for AWOL — twice as many as for desertion. Cases under Article 407 increased 3.3 times over the year.

At the same time, cases involving AWOL are also being investigated more effectively: suspicion was received in 13% of cases, and 7% reached court.

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