Reuters: The US is close to an agreement on long-range JASSM missiles for Ukraine

Olha Bereziuk

The US is close to an agreement to provide Ukraine with long-range cruise missiles that can reach deep into Russia. However, Kyiv will have to wait a few months as the US resolves technical issues.

American officials told Reuters.

The inclusion of air-to-ground missiles (JASSM) in the weapons package is expected to be announced this fall, three sources said, although a final decision has yet to be made.

Sending JASSM to Ukraine could significantly change the strategic landscape of the war, as most of Russia would be within range.

Military analysts suggest that the introduction of JASSMs, which are stealthy and can hit farther than most other missiles in Ukraineʼs current arsenal, could push Russian bridgeheads and supply depots hundreds of kilometers back.

This would seriously complicate Russiaʼs ability to sustain its offensive operations and potentially give Ukraine a strategic advantage.

Missiles launched from Ukraineʼs northern border with Russia will be able to reach the Russian cities of Voronezh and Bryansk. In the south, these missiles can reach airfields or naval facilities in Crimea.