Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration: 40 cases of arson of military vehicles have already been recorded in city and the region

Oleksandra Amru

About 40 cases of setting fire to military vehicles were recorded in Kharkiv and the region.

This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleh Syniehubov on the air of the telethon.

According to him, the police have already identified all the victims: mostly they are young people aged 12 to 18 years.

Through Telegram channels, they receive messages from the Russian special services, which offer to set fire to this or that object for a reward. For this they promise from 20 to 40 thousand hryvnias.

Syniehubov calls on parents to monitor their children more closely during their stay on social networks, so that they do not become targets of similar crimes and hostile propaganda.

  • Recently, law enforcement officers have been regularly reporting on the burning of military vehicles. This is usually done by Ukrainians at the behest of Russians, who offer to set fire to cars for money and record it on camera. Then the Russian media spread these videos and photos, saying that it was allegedly disgruntled Ukrainians setting fire to the cars of military commissariat workers, thus speaking out against mobilization.
  • Only the day before, in the Kyiv region, two roommates were arrested, who are suspected of setting fire to three cars — one car belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two more volunteers were supposed to hand over to the military. The suspects took a video of the arson on their phone and sent it to a Russian who promised them $1 000 for it, but actually paid half.
  • And a day before that, a whole group of six men aged 18 to 24 were detained in Odesa, who tried to destroy more than 15 SUVs of the Defense Forces in two weeks by order of the FSB.