Suspects of setting fire to military and volunteer vehicles were detained in Kyiv region

Liza Brovko

Co-residents suspected of setting fire to the cars of military personnel and volunteers were detained in the Kyiv region.

This was reported by the press services of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office and the Security Service.

The investigation established that on July 29, in the village of Petropavlivska Borshchahivka, the suspects poured flammable solution and set fire to three cars. One of them belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the other two volunteers were to hand over to the military. The suspects took a video of the arson on their phone and sent it to the "employer".

Київська обласна прокуратура

Before that, a couple, a 25-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman, were looking for quick earnings on the Internet. At the beginning of July, a man from Russia wrote to the suspects in a telegram and offered $1,000 for setting fire to the cars of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. However, he actually paid half.

Security Service and National Police officers arrested the two "hot on their trail" hours after they set the cars on fire. The incendiary mixture and mobile phones, through which they received instructions from the curator, were taken from them.

Both were informed of the suspicion under part 2 of Art. 28 and Part 1 of Art. 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. They face up to 8 years in prison.