The Holodomor Genocide Museum will have a supervisory and expert board, and it will be completed at the expense of Canada

Kostia Andreikovets

At the July 18 meeting, the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) voted in the second reading and as a whole for draft law No. 10361, which creates an expert and supervisory board of the Holodomor museum and allows it to be completed at the expense of money allocated by Canada.

As for money, Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostyslav Karandieiev reminded that the Canadian government will finance the completion of the second stage of the Holodomor-genocide museum according to the agreement agreed upon at the meeting between the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Ukraine. The Canadian government allocated 15 million Canadian dollars (454.4 million UAH) for this.

As for the councils, they should monitor the activities of the National Holodomor Genocide Museum in the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine reports.

Supervisory and expert councils should improve the management of the museum and make its work effective. These will be consultative and advisory bodies, which will include representatives of the diaspora, descendants of Holodomor victims, and representatives of professional and scientific groups. All this will help the museum implement the best international practices.

The Holodomor Genocide Museum has already become a scientific-research, cultural-educational and scientific-methodical institution that informs society about the act of genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Soviet authorities, honors the memory of everyone who died as a result of the tragedy.

  • In July 2023, the budget committee approved the allocation of 574 million hryvnias to complete the Holodomor Museum. The Verkhovna Rada supported the funding, but it caused discussions in society, many called on the authorities to invest funds only in vital areas. In the end, President Volodymyr Zelensky promised draft law No. 9437 on the allocation of additional UAH 573.9 million for the completion of the museum. He explained that, first of all, decisions should be made that bring the victory of Ukraine closer.
  • In September 2023, the press service of the museum reported that the Canadian government would finance the extension.