GUR starts the first recruitment campaign for civilians. Who can join?

Oleksandra Opanasenko, Oksana Kovalenko
GUR starts the first recruitment campaign for civilians. Who can join?


The Main Directorate of Intelligence (known as GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is starting the first public recruitment campaign for civilians "Stav Plus".

The representative of the GUR Andriy Yusov reported this, the correspondent of Babel reports.

"GUR has vacancies. With the necessary competencies and skills, you can become a member of our organization. We are reaching a new level. The world is changing, as is military intelligence," Yusov noted.

One intelligence recruiter stated that GUR needs "motivated professionals with leadership qualities and a thirst for victory" — both men and women.

People are selected both for combat units in active action, and for units that work with unmanned systems, as well as for the foreign legion, in which professional soldiers from almost 50 countries are already fighting and to which Ukrainians can join.

Combat units recruit people aged 18 to 40. In such a unit, the salary is from 70 000 hryvnias per month, the GUR added.

Units that work with drones are looking for specialists in the technical field: designers, engineers, radio engineers, master mechanics and other specialists who understand design, etc. Also, GUR is looking for operators who have experience working with various types of drones.

For candidates in non-combat units, the age limit is up to 60 years. Recruiters note that people must be physically and psychologically ready to perform tasks in reconnaissance both on land and at sea. When choosing a specialization, the civilian specialty of the applicant will be taken into account.

Candidates for vacancies in GUR must undergo a thorough selection — testing for erudition and intelligence, a medical examination, a check of physical fitness, as well as a professional-psychological selection and interview using a polygraph.

The questionnaire can be filled out on the GUR website in the "Career" section or through the Lobby X platform in the "military vacancies" section. The maximum response time is 10 days.

"We value every employee, are ready to invest resources in the development of people and are ready to compete for the title of the best employer. So put a plus. We need your knowledge, skills and fighting spirit and we need it for Ukraineʼs victory," GUR emphasized.

  • At the end of last year, the Ministry of Defense started recruiting. The agency concluded agreements with four companies that provided their platforms for posting vacancies free of charge. These are Lobby X,,, OLX Ukraine.