The SBI started an investigation into the breakthrough of the Russians in the Kharkiv region. The case involves the commanders of the 125th brigade

Olha Bereziuk

The State Bureau of Investigation has launched an investigation into the command of the 125th separate brigade of the Territorial Defense due to the breakthrough of the Russians in the Kharkiv region.

This is stated in the court decision.

Investigators found out that on May 10, near Strelecha, Krasny, Borysivka, Pylny, Gatysh and other settlements of the Kharkiv region, units of the 125th brigade left their combat positions during the assault of the Russians.

These are units of up to one company, which were part of the first echelon of defense. As a result, the Russian offensive had to be repulsed by the forces of the second echelon of defense.

In addition, according to the investigation, the command of the 125 brigade and its subordinate units, including 415 separate rifle battalions, 23 mechanized brigades and 172 separate rifle battalions, did not properly organize the defense of positions on the border with the Russian Federation, which led to the loss of positions, military equipment and personnel.

Currently, a military examination has been appointed as part of the investigation. To this end, the investigation requested documents on the implementation of combat orders at frontline sites in the Kharkiv region, data on the staffing of military units, weapons and military equipment as of May 10, as well as documents on the state of fortifications and engineering equipment on the border with the Russian Federation.

Criminal proceedings were opened on May 11, 2024, on the facts of negligent treatment of military service (Part 4 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code) and voluntary abandonment of the battlefield (Article 429 of the Criminal Code). The maximum punishment under these articles is 10 years of imprisonment.

In another decision dated May 22 in the same case, it is noted that 56 military personnel are involved in the investigation, including platoon commanders, radio operators, medical instructors, grenade launchers, marksmen, snipers, gunners, etc.

  • On the morning of May 10, Russia launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region. In fact, the Russian Federation opened a new front. From that moment, according to the data of the Ukrainian analytical project DeepStare, Russian troops occupied 174 sq. km of territory in the region.
  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on May 24 that the Ukrainian military managed to take under combat control the territory of the border where the Russians entered.