Women with a medical or pharmaceutical education must register for the military, since from now on they will not be employed without a military registration document.
This is stated in Government Resolution No. 563 on changes to the Order of organization and maintenance of military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists.
It envisages, in particular, mandatory military registration for women with medical or pharmaceutical education. This is relevant if a woman is fit for military service due to her health and age.
In Ukraine, since 1992, there has been a rule according to which all women aged 18 to 60 with a medical or pharmaceutical education must be registered in the military. However, the norm worked imperfectly, so the registration procedure was given until December 31, 2026. That is, until that time, women with appropriate education could be employed as non-military conscripts.
Now the rule that doctors and pharmacists could work without a military registration document has been removed.
Heads of state bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations must report to the territorial recruit center (TRC) about women who work for them, have a medical or pharmaceutical education, but are not on the military register.
If a woman with a medical or pharmaceutical education does not work, she must come to the TRC on her own to be registered.
From January 2023, women studying medicine or pharmaceutical specialties will be registered for military service immediately after completing their studies. The educational institution submits lists of graduates to the TRC two months before the end of studies.
We emphasize that women who are on military registration can be called up for service during mobilization only on a voluntary basis.