Strike on Cherkaska Lozova: the death toll has increased, divers have found a manʼs body

Kostia Andreikovets

The number of people killed as a result of the attack by Russian troops on Cherkaska Lozova in Kharkiv region has increased to seven. A 51-year-old man, who was considered missing, died. Divers found fragments of his body at the bottom of a nearby lake.

This was reported by the State Emergency Service and the Interregional Center for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response.

The number of victims of the attack as of May 20 is 28 people.

  • On May 19, Russian troops launched a rocket attack on a recreation center in the village of Cherkaska Lozova, Kharkiv region. According to the prosecutorʼs office, the enemy used the "repeated strike" tactic — 10 minutes after the first strike, there was a second one. Five civilians were killed on the spot and more than 16 people, including children, were injured. By the end of the day, the number of victims increased.
  • According to preliminary data, Russia attacked the settlement with two Iskander-M missiles from the territory of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. Violation of the laws and customs of war is being investigated.