Estonia can extradite conscripted Ukrainians to Ukraine

Liza Brovko

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Estonia Lauri Lyaanemets said that his country can transfer to Ukraine conscripted Ukrainians who are on Estonian territory.

This is reported by the Estonian media ERR.

"If Ukraine needs it, Estonia can manage to find this person [a conscript] and hand him over to Ukraine. In general, we know where these people are, what they are doing," the minister said.

No such request has yet been received from Ukraine, but the Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs has addressed both the Ukrainian ambassador and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine that it is ready to transfer data on Ukrainian refugees.

Lauri Lyaanemets added that he would soon submit a written proposal for an agreement between the two countries. Currently, foreigners can be extradited from Estonia only on the condition that the person is brought to criminal liability.

Almost seven thousand Ukrainian men of mobilization age submitted documents for temporary protection in Estonia. However, many of them are exempted from mobilization.

  • The other day, the German publication Bild wrote that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine plans to draft Ukrainians from abroad into the army, and if they do not agree, then "sanctions will be applied" to them. The Ministry of Defense clarified that Bild shifted the emphasis: in fact, there are no discussions on the mechanisms of conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces from abroad on the agenda.