The court confiscated another asset of a collaborator from the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo

Anhelina Sheremet

The Higher Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) satisfied the second lawsuit of the Ministry of Justice regarding the confiscation of the assets of the Kherson collaborator Volodymyr Saldo.

This is reported by the anti-corruption organization Transparency International Ukraine.

This time, the court seized the assets not only of Saldo himself, but also of his wife Iryna and the “Khersonbud” Project and Construction Company. HACC decided to confiscate:

  • 1 274 hryvnias, which are kept in an account at the “Sens Bank”;
  • UAH 413 911, which are kept in an account at the “Raiffeisen Bank”;
  • $319.88 from the “Raiffeisen Bank”;
  • €1 174 also from the “Raiffeisen Bank”;
  • 8.5636% of the shares of the “Khersonbud” Design and Construction Company, in the amount of 132,211 shares, the nominal value of each — 1 hryvnia 5 kopecks.

In May, the court already confiscated a number of Saldoʼs assets. In particular, these are 12 real estate objects, corporate rights of 4 enterprises and one car.

  • Volodymyr Saldo is a former deputy of the Kherson City Council. After the full-scale Russian invasion, he sided with the occupiers, who appointed him the head of the occupation administration of Kherson, in June 2022 he received Russian citizenship. EU, USA, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Ukraine imposed sanctions against Saldo. He has been wanted in Ukraine since December 2022.
  • On October 5, 2022, Putin appointed Saldo as the occupying "acting governor of the Kherson region."
  • In August, the main assets of Saldo, his ex-wife and daughter were seized in the income of Ukraine. On November 8, 2023, Ukraine sentenced Saldo in absentia to 15 years in prison for treason.