The war. Russians have blocked civiliansʼ evacuation from Mariupol, Azov regiment is ready to leave the city, Russians have occupied 80% of Luhansk oblast. Day 57: live coverage

Sofiia Telishevska
The war. Russians have blocked civiliansʼ evacuation from Mariupol, Azov regiment is ready to leave the city, Russians have occupied 80% of Luhansk oblast. Day 57: live coverage

The Russian occupant passes the rubble of the eastern part of the bombed Mariupol.

Getty Images / «Babel'»

Russia continues its offensive in Donbas and occupied 80% of Luhansk oblast. After almost two months of fighting for Mariupol Azov regiment stated that it's ready to leave the city with the help of the third party, and Volodymyr Zelensky is ready to exchange Russian war prisoners on Mariupol defenders. Meanwhile the occupational forces have blocked the evacuation of children and women from the city. Follow the key events of the 57th day of the war in our live coverage (you can find what happened on April 20 here). This coverage is the copy of the one in Ukrainian: those who read us in English get the same detailed picture of the war as our Ukrainian readers. The “...” sign means that the message is now being translated into English and will appear soon. Meanwhile you can support our work: we now rely mostly on the help from our readers. Thank you!

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