Operation DRAGONFLY. Special Operations Forces spoke about the consequences of the attack on Berdyansk and Luhansk airfields

Kostia Andreikovets

Special Operations Forces (SSO) confirmed the attack on airfields in Berdyansk and Luhansk. The operation was called DRAGONFLY.

This was reported by the press service of the SSO.

During the attacks, a large number of equipment, ammunition and Russians were based on the airfields. The strikes on two airfields destroyed nine helicopters of various modifications, special equipment, an anti-aircraft defense launcher, and an ammunition depot. Airfield runways were also damaged.

"The ammunition warehouse in Berdyansk detonated before 4 am. The detonation in Luhansk continued until 11 am. Losses in the enemyʼs manpower amount to dozens of dead and wounded. Bodies are still being pulled out from under the rubble," the SSO added.

  • The attack on the airfields took place on the night of October 17. Russian military personnel and Z-channels write that the attack on the airfield near Berdyansk was one of the most serious during the full-scale invasion. Some write that at least 40 rockets, including cluster ones, were launched at the airfield. Some channels like WarGonzo are already claiming that it was an attack by ATACMS missiles. The Fighterbomber channel, run by a former Russian military pilot, writes about significant losses in equipment and personnel.
  • The impact on the airfield is also confirmed by the FIRMS service — the NASA fire map. Three marks are visible on the territory of the airfield, and the description indicates that the fire broke out after 04:00.