Mayor of Sumy Lysenko was released from the pre-trial detention center on bail of 3 million hryvnias

Anna Kholodnova

The Higher Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) released the Mayor of Sumy region Oleksandr Lysenko on bail.

"Suspilne" was informed about this in the press service of HACC.

A deposit of 3 million hryvnias was made on October 5.

On October 2, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecution (SAP), together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), exposed the mayor of Sumy Oleksandr Lysenko and the director of the housing and communal services department of the city council for bribery. They demanded 2.13 million hryvnias from the entrepreneurs, and in case of refusal, threatened them with artificial obstacles to their business. The actions of the participants were classified under part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an illegal benefit by an official).

On October 4, the High Anti-Corruption Court chose a preventive measure against Sumy Mayor Oleksandr Lysenko. He was taken into custody with an alternative bail of 3 million hryvnias.

The director of the infrastructure department of the city of Sumy Zhurba was also sent to the pre-trial detention center for two months with the possibility of a bail of more than 1.4 million hryvnias.