Media: Pskov was attacked by drones, four Il-76 transport planes were damaged

Kostia Andreikovets

Russian media, in particular the state news agency TASS, are reporting on the drone attack on the Cheryokhin military base in Pskov and the local Khresty airfield.

According to TASS, four Il-76 military transport aircraft were damaged. Emergency services report the repulse of the attack in all possible ways. The governor declares that the local air defense "is working".

Some mass media write that this is one of the most destructive attacks in the rear of the occupiers during the war. Numerous explosions and possible detonation of ammunition and fuel are reported.

  • In Pskov, the 334th military-transport aviation regiment of the Berlin Red Banner is based, the objects of which apparently came under attack. The 104th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment is located at the Cheryokhin base, which in 2022 took part in battles and in the occupation of Buchi, in the Kyiv region.