The Ministry of Defense created 21 thank-you videos for the countries that transferred heavy weapons to Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

To the Independence Day of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense published a video thanking 21 countries, including Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia and Japan.

In each video, footage of military aid from these countries is edited, and in the background sound tracks from compositions popular in these countries are played.

For example, in the video thanking Germany for the once popular EDEKA track “Supergeil”, air defense systems, tanks and other weapons that the German allies transferred to our country were shown and hinted at the need to transfer Leopard tanks.

In the video thanking Poland, there are not only shots of military aid, but also of Ukrainian refugees to whom the country provided shelter. All this is accompanied by the song "Hej, sokoły".

To the song of Tony Bennett "Love Is Here To Stay" Ukraine thanked the Americans for armored vehicles, anti-aircraft defense, ammunition, and to the song of Frank Sinatra "Some fly with me. Oh, too soon?” F-16 fighters were lightly hinted at.

The video about British aid under the track "London Calling" mentions NLAW anti-tank missile systems, artillery, armored vehicles and Challenger 2 tanks. The clip ends with the words: "Who knows what our British friends will send us next." After that, the aircraft carrier is shown and the caption: "Just kidding."

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense thanked Luxembourg. In the video, it is noted that although this country is one of the smallest in the world, it also provides Ukraine with anti-tank missiles, armored vehicles and drones, because at one time Luxembourg survived the occupation.

In a video thanking France, the Ministry of Defense bucked the popular stereotype of French romance, noting that "there is nothing more romantic than the self-propelled 155 mm artillery" that Paris is handing over to Kyiv.

In the videos thanking the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the Ministry of Defense mentioned that all these countries, like Ukraine, suffered in one way or another from the actions of the USSR and the Russians.

Czech Republic




  • In July and August, Ukraine several times faced accusations of "ingratitude" for the assistance provided by its partners. At first, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that Kyiv demands a lot from its partners and should be grateful. This incident was quickly resolved. Later, the head of the International Policy Bureau of the Office of the President of Poland, Martin Pshidach, reported on the "ungratefulness" of Ukrainians for help. This led to sharp diplomatic steps and a certain aggravation of relations between the states.