The head of the State Judicial Administration has been granted bail — he is involved in the case of bribery of judges of the Supreme Court

Anhelina Sheremet

The Higher Anti-Corruption Court set bail in the amount of 805.2 thousand hryvnias for the head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine Oleksiy Salnikov, who is involved in the case of bribery of judges of the Supreme Court.

The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP) reported this on July 28.

In addition, the following procedural duties were imposed on Salnikov:

  • to appear before the investigators, the prosecutor and the court at the first request;
  • not to leave Kyiv without the permission of the detective, prosecutor;
  • to notify the prosecutor or detective about a change in their place of residence and place of work;
  • do not communicate with witnesses;
  • to deposit foreign passports;
  • wear an electronic means of control.

Duties are valid until September 24.

  • On March 5, 2023, Oleksiy Salnikov received $7 500 from the company representative, of which $5 000 was to be handed over to the judges for making the necessary decision, and $2 500 was to be kept for mediation services. In the future, Salnikov promised to help in making a decision of the Supreme Court, in particular through the involvement of its former chairman Vsevolod Knyazev. However, after Knyazev was exposed for taking a $3 million bribe, Salnikovʼs behavior changed dramatically — he began to avoid solving the issue, but he was not going to return the bribe he received. On July 26, Oleksiy Salnikov was suspected of inciting bribes.