Sense Bank became state-owned. Dmytro Kuzmin was appointed head of the board

Kostia Andreikovets

Ukraine acquired 100% of the shares of Sens Bank — it became state-owned. Dmytro Kuzmin, former chairman of the board of Universal Bank, was appointed chairman of the board.

This is reported by the National Bank of Ukraine.

"The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals concluded an agreement for the purchase and sale of 100% of the shares of the systemically important JSC "Sens Bank", according to which the bank becomes state property," the message reads.

The NBU noted that the candidacy of the chairman of the board of the bank was submitted by the Ministry of Finance with the approval of the National Bank. He appointed the chairman of the board and managers of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund. The new management will begin to perform its duties from the moment when the Foundation terminates the powers of the temporary administration introduced on July 21.

  • On June 16, Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law allowing the NBU to nationalize banks of sanctioned owners, but only systemic banks. This law allowed the National Bank to launch the nationalization of Sens Bank. On July 20, the NBU announced that it was withdrawing Sense Bank from the market, and on July 21 , the Cabinet of Ministers decided to nationalize it — the bankʼs shares were bought for 1 hryvnia.
  • Sens Bank (formerly Alfa Bank Ukraine) belonged to ABH Ukraine Limited (Cyprus) and ABH Holdings SA (Luxembourg). The owners of indirect substantial participation were Russian sanctioned oligarchs Mykhailo Fridman, Petro Aven and Andriy Kosogov. In 2022, they were first included in the international and later Ukrainian sanctions lists.