The court sent the Metropolitan of the UOC MP Pavlo to the pre-trial detention center

Kostia Andreikovets

The Solomyansky Court of Kyiv changed the preventive measure of Metropolitan of the UOC MP Pavlo — instead of 24-hour house arrest, he was ordered to be held in custody until August 14 or bail in the amount of more than 33 million hryvnias.

This was reported by "Suspilne" from the courtroom.

According to the prosecutor, Pavlo Lebid communicated with one of the witnesses in the criminal case, thereby violating the obligations imposed by the court. During the meeting, the metropolitan said that he was not yet familiar with the witness.

The prosecutor asked for his detention until September 1 with bail of 60 million hryvnias. This was argued by the fact that Pavlo has movable and immovable property for exactly this amount. And this is not counting the clericʼs bank assets.

The Metropolitanʼs lawyer Oleh Povalyaev filed a motion to invite this witness and interrogate him in court. However, the petition was left until the end of the case.

  • On April 1, 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine handed Metropolitan Pavlo a charge of inciting religious enmity, and on the same day, the court sent him under house arrest. Pavlo was banned from accessing social networks and ordered to wear an electronic bracelet.
  • On July 13, SBU informed Pavel about a new suspicion. A day before the first suspicion was announced against him, he gave an interview in which he denied the existence of Ukraine as a sovereign state. The metropolitan called the Russian aggression a "civil conflict". Now he is accused of violating the equality of citizens and justifying the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, for which he faces up to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.