The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the alternative draft law on reforms in the GTS Operator

Sofiia Telishevska

The Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) supported as a basis the draft law No. 9311-1d, which provides for the liquidation of the company "Main Gas Pipelines of Ukraine", the sole owner of the Operator of the gas transportation system (GTS) of Ukraine. 268 MPs voted for optimizing the structure of the Gas Transport System Operator of Ukraine.

"This is Maksym Khlapukʼs finalized draft law, which, unlike the governmentʼs, has been agreed with the Energy Community and the IMF. Also, the draft law provides for the implementation of two IMF beacons at once, " the MP of the "Voice" faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak noted.

Khlapukʼs draft law, as stated in the explanatory note, eliminates several risks that were contained in the governmentʼs draft:

  • transfers the authority to appoint the head of the operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine (OGTSU) to the general meeting of the company, if its supervisory board is not elected by October 31, 2023;
  • ensures the formation of the supervisory board of the OGTSU in the order provided for enterprises that are particularly important for the economy;
  • establishes that the type of executive body of the OGTSU (one-person or collegial) is determined at the level of the companyʼs charter, and not at the level of the law, as in the government draft law;
  • removes the exclusive right of the Supervisory Board of "Main Gas Pipelines of Ukraine" to propose changes to the statute of the OGTSU.

In this way, the draft law eliminates the above-mentioned shortcomings, while leaving the procedure for optimizing the ownership structure of the Operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine, proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers.