An employee of the Recruitung Center who beat a woman in Uzhhorod was dismissed from his post

Anna Kholodnova

The Ministry of Defense was informed about the dismissal of the officer of the Transkarpathian Regional Territorial Recruitment Center (RTRC) Kostyantyn Vari, who beat a woman in Uzhhorod.

"In the future, law enforcement agencies and the court will assess this particular case and the officer who dishonored his high rank. From the side of the Transkarpathian RTRC, maximum assistance will be provided in conducting investigative actions and clarifying all the circumstances of the incident," the Deputy Minister of Defense General Oleksandr Pavlyuk noted.

  • On June 25, a man started a conflict with a serviceman and his wife on one of the streets of Uzhhorod. The attacker hit the woman and fled the scene.
  • The police established that the couple was attacked by a 55-year-old local resident, an employee of the local procurement center (military commissar). He was searched and taken to the district police department. It turned out that the suspect was drunk. The police are preparing to notify him of suspicion under part 1 of Art. 125 of the Criminal Code (inflicting minor injuries).