Media: Turkey supplies Ukraine with cluster munitions

Oleg Panfilovych

Turkey supplies Ukraine with American-made Cold War cluster munitions.

Foreign Policy writes about it.

U.S. and European officials familiar with the matter told the paper that deliveries of dual-purpose advanced conventional munitions (DPICM) began in November 2022, but Turkey tried to cover up the fact. At the same time, it remains unclear whether Ukraine used the received ammunition in battle.

DPICM cluster munitions can be used with standard artillery shells. They are 5-10 times more lethal than standard high-explosive fragmentation shells previously delivered to Ukraine by the United States. Cluster munitions can also help Ukraine with the destruction of Russian blockades in Donbas. However, their main disadvantage is that after a shot, many charges do not explode and fly over a large area. This may pose a danger to the civilian population for many years after the war.

The use of cluster munitions is prohibited by the 2010 Convention, signed by more than a hundred countries. However, Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and the USA did not join it. Earlier, the CNN channel reported that Ukraine requested cluster munitions from the USA. American authorities have been mulling over "one of the most controversial requests" for several months and still have not rejected it.