A Republican who blocked military support for Ukraine entered the Senate. He won in Kentucky

Sofiia Telishevska

In the midterm elections for the U.S. Congress, Republican Senator Randall Howard Paul won for the third time in the state of Kentucky. It was he who blocked the draft law on providing Ukraine with a package of military aid in May.

The Washington Post writes about it.

Paul won a third term in the Senate, defeating an opponent from the other end of the political spectrum, Democrat Charles Booker.

Commenting on the voting results, the politician called this result a "great victory".

Political observers call Paul "one of the most controversial voices in the Senate." In particular, he claimed "excessive government interference" in quarantine measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. And this spring, he delayed Senate approval of an additional $40 billion in military aid.

  • On November 8, 2022, the United States held elections for the Congress, which consists of two houses — the House of Representatives and the Senate. Americans elected the entire House of Representatives, as well as 34 out of 100 senators, state governors, and numerous local government officials. The Democratic Party currently controls both houses of Congress, but its lead is slim.