Instagram tests “story” notes

Kostia Andreikovets

The social network Instagram has started testing the function of the note in the "story" format. These will be short stories in messages (up to 60 characters in the form of stickers) that disappear in a day.

According to TechCrunch, the notes will appear in messages and disappear in 24 hours. Screenshots of the future feature were published by marketer Ahmed Hanem.

"We are constantly working to improve the way we communicate on Instagram. We are now testing the notes so that people can quickly share their thoughts with friends or small groups of people who value their opinions,” said a Meta spokesman for TechCrunch.

  • Earlier, the developers of the social network Instagram have expanded the functionality of account management. Users can now delete or archive old posts, bookmarks, comments, likes, stories, IGTV and Reels. In addition, Instagram is testing the function of restoring access to the account with the help of a trustee.